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Tattoo After Care
Step 1 - Leave
bandage on for 1-2 hours. For the 1st few days you need to watch for redness around your tattoo. If you see redness around your tattoo, you are most likely reacting to whatever ointment or lotion you are using. If this happens, rinse the tattoo thoroughly and try using something else.
DO NOT - Pick or scratch the tattoo while it is
Body Piercing Aftercare
Rule #1: Do not
touch your piercing What's Normal? For the first 3-5 days: Swelling, Bruising, Bleeding and Tenderness after that some Swelling and Oozing (which causes crusties). Rule #2: Do Not Pick at the crusties. Cleaning your piercing Use an unscented antibacterial soap (Dial). Lather onto a Q-tip or paper towel. Clean thoroughly removing all dried blood and "crusties". Rinse your piercing with cool water. Repeat 2-3 times daily. Do Not use rubbing alcohol, peroxide, or any kind of healing ointment. Other then cleaning your piercing, with Dial Soap. Leave it alone. Stay out of swimming pools for at least a month; pits, lakes, rivers, and ponds for at least two months. Do Not change your jewelry for at least six to eight weeks. Your piercing can take 8 weeks to a years to fully heal. So be patient. Oral Piercing Aftercare Rule #1 Don't touch your piercing, unless cleaning it, and remember to always wash your hands with antibacterial soap first. What's Normal? For the first 3-5 days: Swelling, Bruising, Bleeding and Tenderness after that some Swelling and Oozing (which causes crusties). Rule #2: Do Not Pick at the crusties. Healing can take anywhere from 8 weeks to a year, depending on the piercing. Healing occurs from the inside out. Your piercing may seem healed when it actually is not. So be Patient. Cleaning Your Piercing Rinse for 30 seconds with non alcoholic mouthwash, 4 to 5 times daily (after eating, smoking and before bed), for the entire healing process. For lips, labrets and Monroe's use anti-bacterial hand soap (Dial) on the outside of the piercing, rinse and pat dry, as well as using mouthwash. In event of swelling, use ice, and aleve, or Ibuprofen. Take care when eating over the first few weeks; take small bites and chew slowly to avoid biting down on your jewelry. What to Avoid Do Not change the piercing for 4 to 6 weeks. Avoid oral contact for the entire healing period. Don't over rinse (Using mouthwash too often can cause irritation and or buring).
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